White Lion Project Documents - Stage 2 Bid the Delivery Phase

At the Parish Council meeting on 13 November 2023, councillors approved the documents for the stage 2 application to NLHF. The application has now been submitted and we have to wait until late March 2024, while the NLHF consider our application alongside many others.At the last community consultation on 18th October in the village hall there were very interesting presentations from the project manager, architect and conservation consultant, who explained in detail how she had found that the building was probably a 16th century farmhouse before it became an inn. There were various questions on the evening about the project, including from people who wanted to see the documents. As promised these will now be published on the Pailton Parish Council website over the coming few days. Please be aware that a lot of the documents are very large and some in A3 format, so we suggest you don't try to print them out but read them on screen. The Parish Council cannot supply hard copies of these document. In total there are nearly 300 page including the architect designs, the programme of works and opening, the business plan, the conservation plan etc. In some areas commercially sensitive information has been redacted.

Our consultants all had a break clause built into their contracts between the end of the development stage (now) and the start of the delivery stage (when we hear the outcome of the application)Therefore any comments, questions or suggestions you have about the project and the documents should be forwarded to tinapailtonpc@gmail.com. The White Lion working group will try to answer them and will share them with the consultants when their contracts start again.We will then be in RIBA 4 - detailed design stage, where we look again in detail at the plans, so your comments will be useful.

Posted: Fri, 17 Nov 2023 11:57 by Leona Bendall

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